Sponsorships Available
Presenting Sponsor — Contact for price
Prominent company name/logo during dinner
VIP recognition during announcements and the awards ceremony.
Option to provide gift item for welcome bags.
Signage on driving range.
Dinner Sponsor — Contact for price
Lunch Sponsor — Contact for price
Premium Hole Sponsor — $1,500
Name/logo displayed on a sign announcing you as a sponsor of the hole.
Hang your own banner on an 8 ft table
On site opportunity for your team to promote your product/service.
Approved interactive game with golfers
Recognition on the tournament website
Two free golfers in the golf tournament
Hole Sponsor with table — $1000
Name/logo displayed on a sign announcing you as a sponsor of the hole.
Hang your own banner on an 8 ft table
On site opportunity for your team to promote your product/service.
Approved interactive game with golfers
Recognition on the tournament website
Hole Sponsor — $500
Name/logo displayed at tee boxes announcing you as a sponsor
Name on website and social media
Driving Range Sponsor— $250
Name/Logo on driving range
Recognition on the tournament website
In-Kind Donations
Contact us.
748 Grand AVe
Saint Paul, MN 55118
Please Contact us for more information about a Sponsorship